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24-26 May 2024, Johannesburg, South Africa


Welcome to RMB Latitudes Art Fair brought to you by the team behind Latitudes Online, in partnership with Rand Merchant Bank. A truly unique art experience with over 50 participating galleries and hundrends of artists.

Challenging the standards and re-imagining the relationships between art and the viewers. Creating spaces with an interplay between inside and out, the design of this fair dissolves the atypical - creatin space for art to be engaged with and questioned in a uniquely African context. With this ethos in mind, we've planned a rich programming of exhibitionns, sculpture installations, talks, walkabouts and more.


About Latitudes Online

Latitudes launched as a physical art fair in 2019, and has since evolved into an integral player in the African art industry. The women-led team runs an online marketplace for art from Africa, a physical art fair, a podcast, a series of mentorship programmers, an art award, and a physical canter for the arts, all with the common goal of creating voices for independent artists and connecting artists with collectors.

At Latitudes, we aim challenge how art can be seen, experienced, and purchased, making the process more inclusive, less intimidating, and ultimately enjoyable for collectors.

To find out more about Latitudes, please click here.